Species in RED have not been seen in Happisburgh by myself but are either British Birds Rarities Committee/County Record Committee accepted records or considered reliable by myself.
Brent Goose ~ a regular passage migrant with some occasionally stopping-off on fields of winter sown cereals. Birds are almost always of the dark-bellied form 'bernicla', the pale-bellied form 'hrota' appearing much less frequently in this part of the UK.
Dark-bellied Brent Geese, Happisburgh ~ 09.03.2018
Pale-bellied Brent with Dark-bellied Brent Geese, Happisburgh ~ 15.11.2019
Pale-bellied Brent with Dark-bellied Brent Geese, Happisburgh ~ 15.11.2019
Canada Goose ~ very common in Broadland but a rather scarce visitor to the parish.
Barnacle Goose ~ occasionally encountered, especially during influxes of 'grey' Geese. Such records are likely to be wild Barnacles rather than wanderers from the feral populations in East Anglia.
Barnacle Geese with Pink-footed Geese, Cart Gap ~ 13.01.2008
Lesser Snow Goose ~ an adult white morph (of unknown origin) flew SE over the garden within a flock of Pink-footed Geese at 11:15 on 7th October 2007. Not included in total.
Ross’s Goose ~ an adult white morph (of unknown origin) was in fields east of the lighthouse with Pink-footed Geese on at least 16th & 19th January 2008. It or another flew NW over the garden again with Pink-feet at 08:40 on 24th February 2009. Not included in total.
Greylag Goose ~ although very common in Broadland it remains rather scarce in the parish. Birds that do turn up are usually seen within larger flocks of Pink-footed Geese and are likely to be from further afield than the chiefly resident Broadland population.
Taiga Bean Goose ~ a very rare bird away from its wintering haunts in the Yare valley. Two present in NE Norfolk during the winter of 2018/2019 were seen within the parish.
Pink-footed Goose ~ a common winter visitor. Birds marked with coded plastic collars have been recorded within the parish as follows...
Grey 'FDB'. Happisburgh 8th November 2000. Ringed as an adult male at Arness, Iceland on 29th July 1999.
Grey 'ICS' ISR131403. Cart Gap 27th November 2003, 15th December 2006, 18th - 20th January 2008. Happisburgh 17th January 2008. Ringed as an adult female at A-Huna, Iceland on 25th July 2000.
Grey 'JPF' GBT139713. Happisburgh 23rd October 2006. Ringed as an adult male at Balmedie, Aberdeenshire on 26th October 2003.
Grey 'LCZ' ISR130949. Happisburgh 28th October 2006. Ringed as an adult male adult male Arness, Iceland on 29th July 2000.
Grey 'CCI' GBT1361945. Cart Gap 15th December 2006, 19th January 2008. Ringed as an adult at Blackburn, Aberdeenshire on 6th April 2002.
Grey 'FIY' ISR129656. Happisburgh 14th January 2008, Cart Gap 16th - 21st January 2008. Ringed as an adult female at Arness, Iceland on 30th July 1999. She was again seen on 29th December 2012 just over the parish boundary in Ridlington.
Grey 'CFX' . Cart Gap 19th - 20th January 2008. Ringed as an adult male at Balmedie, Aberdeenshire on 26th October 2003.
Grey 'LCT' ISR132013. Eccles-on-Sea 16th November 2011. Ringed as an adult male at Oddkelsalda, Thjorsarver, Arness, Iceland on 27th July 2000.
Grey 'LNV' GBT1397314. Walcott 28th November 2011. Ringed as an adult at Balmedie, Aberdeenshire on 2nd April 2006. Paired with 'LSK'.
Grey 'LSK' GBT1397343. Walcott 28th November 2011. Ringed as an adult at Balmedie, Aberdeenshire on 2nd April 2006. Paired with 'LNV'.
Tundra Bean Goose ~ small numbers occur as occasional winter visitors, usually in the company of Pink-feet. November 2011 saw a large arrival of 'grey' geese into north and east Norfolk and several Tundra Beans were discovered in fields around the parish, the largest count being 35+ between Cart Gap and Eccles-on-Sea. Other species involved were Eurasian White-fronts, Greylag and Barnacle Geese. These were all doubtless fully wild birds displaced from across the North Sea.
White-fronted Goose ~ an irregular visitor, usually within flocks of Pink-footed Geese. Only the pink-billed 'Russian' race has been recorded, the orange-billed 'Greenland' race being a rare visitor to the county.
'Russian' White-fronted Geese, Cart Gap ~ 23.01.2008
Photo by Bob Cobbold
Family party of 'Russian' White-fronted Geese, Happisburgh ~ 07.10.2019
Photo by Bob Cobbold
Mute Swan ~ occasionally seen either on the sea or passing through.
Mute Swan, Happisburgh ~ 16.01.2018
Bewick’s Swan ~ an irregular passage migrant or winter visitor.
Whooper Swan ~ as with Bewick's, an irregular passage migrant or winter visitor with small numbers usually present most winters with the Bewick's herd in the Ludham/Catfield area.
Shelduck ~ a fairly common passage migrant.
Shoveler ~ a fairly regular passage migrant, chiefly in autumn.
Shoveler flock, Happisburgh ~ 13.10.2018
Gadwall ~ a scarce passage migrant.
Wigeon ~ a common offshore passage migrant, chiefly in autumn.
Mallard ~ a common passage migrant, chiefly in autumn. May breed occasionally.
Mallard and Teal, Happisburgh ~ 27.11.2018
Pintail ~ a fairly common passage migrant, chiefly in autumn.
Teal ~ a common autumn passage migrant, less frequent in spring.
Pochard ~ an uncommon passage migrant.
Tufted Duck ~ a fairly common passage migrant, chiefly in autumn.
Scaup ~ a scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
Eider ~ a common passage migrant and occasional winter visitor.
Velvet Scoter ~ a scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
Velvet Scoters, Happisburgh ~ 30.11.2018
Common Scoter ~ a common passage migrant and winter visitor.
Goldeneye ~ a fairly common passage migrant.
Goosander ~ an uncommon passage migrant.
Red-breasted Merganser ~ a fairly common passage migrant.
Red-legged Partridge ~ resident in small numbers.
Grey Partridge ~ formerly common throughout Norfolk this species has become increasingly scarce in recent years.
Quail ~ a scarce summer visitor.
Pheasant ~ resident in small numbers.
Golden Pheasant ~ a dark-throated male (of highly suspect origin!) used to frequent the village but he seems to no longer be with us. Not included in total.
Red-throated Diver ~ a common passage migrant and winter visitor, occasionally seen in summer.
Black-throated Diver ~ a rare passage migrant and winter visitor.
Great Northern Diver ~ a scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
Black-browed Albatross ~ extremely rare visitors to the Northern Hemisphere. Following the passing close inshore of an immature along the Yorkshire coast on 5th October 2016 news was quickly released of presumably the same bird heading east past Cley at 3:35pm the following day. Although missed at some watch points, other lucky observers managed to connect with it at Cromer and Overstrand and at 4:45pm it was watched cruising east at c.1½-2 miles range from the clifftop at Happisburgh.
Black-browed Albatross, Happisburgh ~ 06.10.2016
An unidentified Albatross was seen passing offshore 9th November 1986; the record is still in circulation with the British Birds Rarities Committee.
European Storm Petrel ~ a rare migrant. One was seen heading south offshore on 15th August 2014.
Leach’s Petrel ~ an occasional offshore autumn visitor usually during strong onshore winds.
Fulmar ~ a fairly common passage migrant with birds occasionally summering.
Fulmar, Happisburgh ~ 30.05.2016
Fulmar, Happisburgh ~ 30.05.2016
Sooty Shearwater ~ an uncommon autumn passage migrant.
Manx Shearwater ~ a fairly common passage migrant, chiefly in autumn.
Balearic Shearwater ~ occasional offshore summer/autumn visitor. There are perhaps less than 3,000 pairs of this endangered Mediterranean species in the world.
Little Grebe ~ common throughout the UK but scarce at sea. One was seen close inshore on 8th November 2010.
Red-necked Grebe ~ a scarce visitor.
Great Crested Grebe ~ occasionally seen offshore.
White Stork ~ a rare visitor to the UK, the true picture is clouded by escapes and free-flying wanderers from collections such as that at Thrigby Hall in east Norfolk. A red-ringed bird flew NW over the village on 19th April 2017, the same bird having been seen overflying Salthouse and Cley three days earlier. Moreover it had also been seen in Broadland earlier in the year and was back there a few days after the Happisburgh sighting. At the time of writing it's credentials are unknown and it is generally treated as a bird of 'suspect origin'. Not included in total.
White Stork, Happisburgh ~ 19.04.2017
Glossy Ibis ~ a rare visitor from southern Europe. A party of four were tracked eastwards along the Norfolk coast 18th October 2013 and passed SE over Happisburgh before appearing to turn inland over Waxham.
Bittern ~ although resident in Broadland, with additional winter visitors boosting the local population, Bitterns are scarce away from their reed-bed habitat. They are generally a nocturnal migrant too, so one overflying the village during the evening of September 6th 2019 was a good find for John Cole.
Grey Heron ~ a fairly common passage migrant and visitor.
Grey Heron ~ a fairly common passage migrant and visitor.
Grey Heron, Happisburgh ~ 12.10.2018
Great White Egret ~ a scarce but increasingly regular year round visitor to the county. Two were seen flying south over the village on 8th December 2016 and a lone bird headed south offshore on 4th May 2018.
Great White Egret, Happisburgh ~ 04.05.2018
Little Egret ~ an increasingly regular visitor to the parish.
White Pelican ~ an individual soaring to the south of the village October 2002 was seen at several sites in the east of England and was considered to be an escape. Not included in total.
Gannet ~ can be seen offshore throughout the year but in greater numbers during autumn.
Shag ~ an occasional visitor, chiefly in autumn and winter. As part of an influx into NE Norfolk 23 (including a flock of 19) and 18 were seen flying north on 30th October and 6th November 2011 respectively. It seems these birds were using the Sea Palling/Waxham reefs as a roost site.
Cormorant ~ a common year round visitor. A juvenile seen during October 2017 had been colour-ringed GREEN 'ZGU' as a nestling on Puffin Island, Anglesey on 25th June 2017. This was the first reported re-sighting. It was again seen several times in the second half of 2018 and returned again during Autumn 2019.
Honey-buzzard ~ a very scarce passage migrant.
Red Kite ~ a rare passage visitor. Some birds may be of genuine wild stock, others undoubtedly are derived from reintroduced birds.
Red Kite, Happisburgh ~ 20.08.2016
Black Kite ~ a rare vagrant/migrant. One passed through the parish on 27th April 2003.
White-tailed Eagle ~ a first-winter bird which appeared at Snettisham RSPB on 27th October 1990, then relocating to Hickling from 30th November to 2nd December, was seen in the parish on 14th December 1990 (The Birds of Norfolk 1999). An immature, which had been tracked heading SE along the Cromer ridge, hit the coast around Mundesley and was then watched passing inland through the southern edge of the parish 22nd March 2019. The same bird (recognisable from a nick in one of the primary flight feathers) then appeared low over Cart Gap on 6th May 2019. It soon circled up high and drifted SE.
White-tailed Eagle, Happisburgh ~ 06.05.2019
Rough-legged Buzzard ~ a scarce passage/winter visitor.
Rough-legged Buzzard, Happisburgh ~ 04.11.2018
Common Buzzard ~ a common passage migrant, winter visitor and probable local breeder.
Common Buzzard, Happisburgh ~ 15.02.2018
Water Rail ~ one found dead on our drive 17th November 2008 had either been caught by the cat or had struck overhead cables. Another was found dead under overhead cables along the Coastwatch track on 30th October 2014. Otherwise the species is probably a mostly undetected passage migrant and winter visitor.
Corncrake ~ a very rare visitor. A spring migrant was seen by Michael Hannant on 11th May 1984.
Moorhen ~ a resident breeder in small numbers on ponds and wetter areas. Also a probable and occasional passage migrant and winter visitor.
Common Crane ~ despite a healthy population just a few miles to the south and regular birds seen coasting each spring, I didn't see my first Crane in the parish until 16th November 2011 when an adult flew low SE just south of Cart Gap. It transpired that this bird had earlier been in a field at East Ruston until spooked by a light aircraft. This individual was probably a 'fresh in' European migrant, part of the recent influx of new birds into the UK and will hopefully provide some new blood to the Broadland population.
Stone Curlew ~ a scarce coastal migrant that breeds in the Breckland of south-west Norfolk. One was in the large field south of Upton Way during the afternoon and evening of 16th April 2011. It had been colour-ringed but unfortunately the exact scheme couldn't be traced.
Oystercatcher ~ a common passage migrant.
Avocet ~ Three flew west on 4th May 1983. Another was seen 9th November 2010 and three flew north with Shelduck (!) on 6th November 2011.
Lapwing ~ a fairly regular visitor most often encountered during winter.
Golden Plover ~ a common passage migrant, occasionally spending the winter in small flocks on arable fields.
Grey Plover ~ a fairly common passage migrant.
Ringed Plover ~ passage migrant, winter visitor in small numbers and an occasional breeder.
Ringed Plover, Bacton ~ 09.08.2008
Dotterel ~ a scarce passage migrant. The fields in the Happisburgh area have historically been favoured as stop off posts by migrating Dotterel.
Female Dotterel, Happisburgh ~ 23.04.2018
Whimbrel ~ a regular passage migrant, often picked up by call, a series of repeated, whistled notes. An old Norfolk name for them is 'Seven Whistler'.
Whimbrel, Happisburgh ~ 02.05.2016
Curlew ~ a fairly common passage migrant.
Bar-tailed Godwit ~ a regular spring and autumn passage migrant. A colour-ringed bird was recorded on the beach at Happisburgh as follows...
C-rings 'Y7RYYB'. Happisburgh 26th April 2009. Colour-ringed as an adult at Vinkenbaan, Castricum, Netherlands on 5th May 2005. Google Map - http://g.co/maps/xzmp9
Bar-tailed Godwit, Happisburgh ~ 11.09.2011
Black-tailed Godwit ~ a rare breeder and regular year round visitor to wetland habitats in the county but a tricky species to connect with on passage in north-east Norfolk. One flew north-west offshore on 1st August 2019.
Turnstone ~ a common passage migrant and winter visitor.
Turnstone, Happisburgh ~ 21.04.2017
Knot ~ a fairly common passage migrant, usually passing offshore with birds occasionally stopping off on the beach.
Knot, Happisburgh ~ 08.05.2016
Ruff ~ a scarce passage migrant.
Curlew Sandpiper ~ A regular passage migrant to the more established wetlands and estuaries in the UK but rare elsewhere. One flew in from the sea with 7 Curlew and 2 Bar-tailed Godwits on 4th September 2011.
Purple Sandpiper ~ an uncommon winter visitor sometimes seen flying past or in small numbers on the sea defences or along the seafront at Walcott.
Purple Sandpiper, Walcott ~ 23.12.2009
Photo by Bob Cobbold
Little Stint ~ no doubt regular on passage but rarely seen, they have occasionally turned up in flooded fields.
Buff-breasted Sandpiper ~ a rare vagrant. A juvenile with Ringed Plovers on the lighthouse field 25th - 30th September 2007 . Another juvenile was on the same field 28th September 2012.
Snipe ~ occasionally seen on passage and probably regular during the winter months on the wetter areas in the parish. Probably bred in the past.
Snipe, Cley NWT ~ 11.04.2013
Grey Phalarope ~ a scarce autumn/winter visitor to the county.
Common Sandpiper ~ a passage visitor, sometimes in small parties.
Common Sandpipers, Happisburgh ~ 05.05.2016
Green Sandpiper ~ a scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
Redshank ~ a fairly common passage migrant.
Wood Sandpiper ~ a rare passage migrant.
Greenshank ~ a scarce passage migrant.
Kittiwake ~ a passage migrant and occasional winter visitor to Happisburgh. The nearest site for this cliff nesting seabird is at Lowestoft where they can be seen nesting on the Catholic church.
Kittiwakes, Walcott ~ 28.07.2008
Photo by Bob Cobbold
Sabine's Gull ~ a scarce autumn passage visitor to Norfolk. A juvenile flew north on 2nd November 2008.
Black-headed Gull ~ ringed birds have been recorded within or very close to the parish as follows...
'VOGELTREK ARNHEM HOLLAND 3.656.031'. Walcott on 23rd October 2011 - 4th March 2012. Ringed as a 3y+ at Harlingen, Friesland, NL (53°10'N 5°25'E) on 15th July 2008. It was noted again on its favourite section of the seawall on 12th December 2012. Google Map - http://g.co/maps/vjhkw
Dutch ringed Black-headed Gull 'VOGELTREK ARNHEM HOLLAND 3.656.031'
'MOSKVA MA044287'. Walcott on 21st January 2012. Ringed as a pullus at Kandalakshskiy Zapovednik, Murmanskaya Oblast, USSR (66°42'N 33°52'E) on 27th June 2010. Up to November 2017 there had been 19 recoveries of Russian ringed Black-headed Gulls to the UK, three of which have been in Norfolk. This bird was the third of those, the previous two being at Breydon Water in 1909 and Downham Market in 1914. Google Map - http://g.co/maps/ab9yb
White c-ring 'TTEM' - FS06124. Happisburgh on 27th November 2018. Ringed as a 2cy+ at Zbiornik Przykona, Radyczyny, Turek, Wielkopolskie, Poland (52º 0' 20"N 18º 39' 29"E) on 2nd June 2015. This re-sighting was the first report of it since ringing. Google Map - https://bit.ly/2RiGG0r
Polish ringed Black-headed Gull 'WHITE TTEM', FS06124
Little Gull ~ can occur year round but most commonly as an autumn passage migrant.
Little Gull, Happisburgh ~ 20.10.2015
Mediterranean Gull ~ a fairly common year round visitor. An unprecedented 40+ were on fields and offshore west of the old Coastwatch on 28th September 2016.
First winter Mediterranean Gull, Happisburgh ~ 11.09.2018
Common Gull ~ a common passage migrant and winter visitor.
Great Black-backed Gull ~ colour-ringed birds have been recorded in and close to the parish as follows...
Black c-ring 'JP261' - 3031711. Happisburgh 26th October 2014. Ringed as a chick at Buanskjeran i Remesfjorden, Lindesnes, Vest-Agder, Norway (58°02'34"N 007°11'33"E) on 6th July 2011. It was again present on 15th November 2015. Google map - https://goo.gl/t23QFX
Norwegian c-ringed Great Black-backed Gull 'JP261'.
Black c-ring 'JP924' - 3032024. Happisburgh 15th November 2015. Ringed as a nestling at Lauholmen Båly, Lindesnes, Vest-Agder, Norway (58°02'10"N 007°09'08"E) on 5th July 2012. Google map - https://goo.gl/gVCjxZ
Norwegian c-ringed Great Black-backed Gull 'JP924'.
Black c-ring 'JH385' - 3031585. Happisburgh 17th November 2016. Ringed as a nestling at Lauholmen Båly, Lindesnes, Vest-Agder, Norway (58°02'10"N 007°09'08"E) on 9th July 2010.
Norwegian c-ringed Great Black-backed Gull 'JH385'.
Black c-ring 'JU540' - 3020791. Walcott 20th September 2018. Ringed as a nestling at Ferkingstadøyane, Ramnaskjer, Karmøy, Rogaland, Norway (59°13'40"N 005°04'14"E) on 24th July 2016. Google map - https://goo.gl/ahkC7z
Glaucous Gull ~ an uncommon winter visitor.
1st winter Glaucous Gull, Mundesley ~ 29.01.2018
Herring Gull ~ ringed birds have been recorded within and close to the parish as follows...
Yellow c-ring '2N3B' - GF57126. Walcott 24th April 2011, 20th May - 20th October 2011 (5 sightings), 3rd - 6th February 2012. Ringed as a 2nd calendar year bird (hatched 2010) at Blackborough Tip, King's Lynn, Norfolk on 19th March 2011. Google Map - http://g.co/maps/8b4kj
UK ringed Herring Gull 'YELLOW 2N3B' GF57126
Red c-ring 'VAU' - GR36557. Happisburgh 30th September 2011, 13th October 2011. Ringed as a pullus at Havergate Island, Orford, Suffolk on 3rd July 2011. Google Map - http://g.co/maps/64rvg
Red c-ring 'ZKD' - Walcott 8th September 2013. Ringed as a chick at Felixstowe during July 2013.
Yellow c-ring '6Y5B' - GV08177. Walcott 23rd November 2015. Ringed at Great Yarmouth on 22nd November 2015.
UK ringed Herring Gull 'YELLOW 6Y5B' GV08177
Orange c-ring 'D8RT' - GV33785. Happisburgh 23rd March 2016. Ringed as a 5cy+ at Pitsea Landfill, Essex on 16th January 2016. This bird was again seen at Happisburgh on 22nd November 2016. See North Thames Gull Group - http://www.ntgg.org.uk/map/GV33785
Orange c-ring 'D8RT' - GV33785. Happisburgh 23rd March 2016. Ringed as a 5cy+ at Pitsea Landfill, Essex on 16th January 2016. This bird was again seen at Happisburgh on 22nd November 2016. See North Thames Gull Group - http://www.ntgg.org.uk/map/GV33785
UK ringed Herring Gull 'ORANGE D8RT' GV33785
Orange c-ring 'JV6T' - GR15635. Happisburgh 17th November 2016. Ringed as a 1cy at Rainham Tip, Greater London on 12th November 2011. See North Thames Gull Group - http://www.ntgg.org.uk/map/GR15635
UK ringed Herring Gull 'ORANGE JV6T' GR15635
Orange c-ring 'L7WT' - GV47207. Happisburgh 13th April 2017. Ringed as a 1cy at Pitsea Landfill, London on 19th November 2016. This bird is interesting in that it shows some features pointing towards Yellow-legged Gull and the following response was received from the ringing group when its identity was queried upon submission of the sighting - "It was ringed as a Herring Gull, however there are a few interesting things about it. The bill is quite blunt. The tertials are very plain and brown. There looks like there are some moulted lesser and median coverts. It also has a white"ish" head which all point towards YL. However, the greater coverts don't look right, the anchors on the scaps are very Herring Gull like rather than YL and unless you have a shot with an open wing and the rump I can't rule out an advanced Herring or even a hybrid. I checked who ringed this bird and it is also one of our regulars so would have expected him to have picked up a YL in the hand - he normally does as he knows what he is looking for. The few that have slipped through in the past tend to be ringed by a trainee or new person that has little experience of gulls. So all point towards an advanced Herring Gull to me." See North Thames Gull Group - http://www.ntgg.org.uk//map/GV47207
UK ringed Herring Gull 'ORANGE L7WT' GV47207
Caspian Gull ~ a scarce visitor. A colour-ringed bird was seen on 6th March 2018. It had been ringed at Pitsea landfill, Essex on 25th March 2017. See the North Thames Gull Group website for details - http://www.ntgg.org.uk/cgi-bin/map.cgi?p=recmap&t=r&r=GV55266
1st winter Caspian Gull, Happisburgh ~ 29.01.2018
2cy Caspian Gull, Happisburgh ~ 06.03.2018
3cy Caspian Gull c-ringed RED 'G0UT', Happisburgh ~ 06.03.2018
Yellow-legged Gull ~ a scarce, year round visitor most regular in summer.
Lesser Black-backed Gull ~ a common passage migrant and winter visitor.
Lesser Crested Tern ~ a very rare vagrant. An adult was off the end of the Beach road 17th July 2005; it was seen at various sites along the north and north-east Norfolk coasts between 16th - 20th July.
Sandwich Tern ~ a common summer visitor which can often be seen fishing or passing offshore.
Sandwich Tern, Walcott ~ 24.08.2013
Elegant Tern ~ 20th June 2002. An 'orange-billed' Tern found by Tim Nicholson just south of the village was considered by some observers to possess characteristics of this American species and was submitted to the appropriate records committees as such. On 13th February 2018 the BBRC published their updated 'work in progress' file which listed this record as accepted and that it was the same bird seen at Dawlish Warren, Devon on 8th July 2002.
Little Tern ~ one of the UK's rarest breeding seabirds, Little Terns can often be watched during the summer months as birds from local breeding colonies fish offshore.
Little Tern, Happisburgh ~ 11.07.2016
Roseate Tern ~ a rare summer visitor. Probably the UK's rarest breeding seabird.
Common Tern ~ a fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant, the sea defences off the old Decca site often host several post-breeding birds during July and August. One on 17th November 2011 was rather late.
Common Tern, Walcott ~ 24.08.2013
White-winged Black Tern ~ a rare vagrant. One was seen by Keith Bailey on 3rd September 1980.
Black Tern ~ a rather scarce passage migrant, chiefly in autumn.
Pomarine Skua ~ a scarce passage migrant.
Arctic Skua ~ the commonest Skua species in Norfolk, most regular in late summer through the autumn, occasional in spring.
Arctic Skua, Happisburgh ~ 10.09.2011
Long-tailed Skua ~ the scarcest of the four Skuas in Norfolk.
Guillemot ~ a common passage migrant and winter visitor. Adults may occasionally be seen offshore from mid-summer accompanying their half grown chicks.
Five Guillemots, two Razorbills and a Goldeneye, Mundesley ~ 29.10.2017
Razorbill ~ a fairly common passage migrant and winter visitor.
Black Guillemot ~ a very scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
Puffin ~ a very scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
Stock Dove ~ resident with a few pairs around the parish. Occasionally noted as a (suspected) passage migrant.
Stock Dove, Happisburgh ~ 31.07.2016
Woodpigeon ~ a common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.
Collared Dove ~ resident with occasional migrants noted.
Great Spotted Cuckoo ~ a rare vagrant. One just north of Cart Gap 31st March 1999 was previously seen at Horsey and Waxham.
Cuckoo ~ fairly regularly recorded on passage.
Barn Owl ~ a scarce resident.
Long-eared Owl ~ a scarce passage migrant.
Short-eared Owl ~ an uncommon passage migrant.
Short-eared Owl close to shore having crossed the North Sea, Happisburgh ~ 21.10.2019
Nightjar ~ one on 25th September 2001. It or another was picked up dead as a road casualty at Bacton three days later (Norfolk Bird Report 2001).
Swift ~ a common summer visitor.
Swift, Ebridge Mill ~ 19.08.2014
Pallid Swift ~ a very rare vagrant, chiefly during late autumn. Singles seen 25th October 1999, 26th October 2013 and 12th November 2018.
Pallid Swift, Happisburgh ~ 12.11.2018
Kingfisher ~ one was seen briefly sitting on railings at the paddocks near Laurel Lodge on 11th August and again nearby on 26th September 2008.
Bee-eater ~ a very scarce passage migrant. One passed south-eastwards just inland of Doggett's Lane early morning of 25th May 2019.
Bee-eater, Happisburgh ~ 25.05.2019
Hoopoe ~ a rare spring or autumn vagrant, the most recent was at Holly Farm in October 2005.
Wryneck ~ very rare in spring, less so in autumn but still an uncommon visitor.
Great Spotted Woodpecker ~ a regular visitor on passage. Breeds locally.
Green Woodpecker ~ although fairly common and widespread it is only occasionally recorded in the parish.
Green Woodpecker, Happisburgh ~ 24.04.2017
Kestrel ~ chiefly resident although occurs on passage during the spring and autumn.
Kestrel, Happisburgh ~ 14.09.2014
Red-footed Falcon ~ a rare vagrant. Females seen 14th May 1992 and 19th May 2007.
Merlin ~ an uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor.
Hobby ~ an increasingly common summer visitor.
Peregrine ~ a fairly regular winter and passage visitor, occasionally seen in summer.
Peregrine, Happisburgh ~ 21.01.2018
Peregrine, Happisburgh ~ 21.04.2018
The images above are both believed to be of the same bird, a large, very pale individual showing characteristics of one of the most northerly breeding races known as 'tundrius' (USA) or 'calidus' (USSR). It was seen on several occasions between Mundesley and Sea Palling during Winter 2017/2018 and early Spring 2018, a very striking bird indeed.
Red-backed Shrike ~ a scarce passage migrant, chiefly in autumn.
Great Grey Shrike ~ a scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
Great Grey Shrike, Walcott ~ 17.10.2015
Woodchat Shrike ~ a rare passage migrant to the UK, chiefly in spring. One was seen by local farmer and naturalist Murray Ferguson 19th May 1965.
Golden Oriole ~ a juvenile or female 3rd October 2011 (Norfolk Bird Report 2011).
Jay ~ generally recorded as a passage migrant.
Jay, Ebridge Mill ~ 15.09.2014
Magpie ~ resident with birds occasionally observed passing through, often 'hedge-hopping' in small groups.
Nutcracker ~ a very rare vagrant. One was seen during the 1968 invasion, noted as present from 10th-17th August.
Jackdaw ~ a common resident and passage migrant.
Rook ~ a regular visitor throughout the year. Colonial nesting sites, 'rookeries', can be found just outside the parish.
Carrion Crow ~ a common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.
Hooded Crow ~ a scarce visitor, mainly on passage.
Raven ~ a very scarce visitor to Norfolk, one was seen soaring to the NW from the garden early afternoon 10th April 2009.
Waxwing ~ a scarce passage migrant and irruptive winter visitor.
Marsh Tit ~ a former resident.
Blue Tit ~ a common resident. Also occurs on passage and as a winter visitor.
Great Tit ~ a common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.
Woodlark ~ a scarce passage migrant.
Skylark ~ a common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.
Skylark, Happisburgh ~ 21.05.2017
Shorelark ~ a scarce passage visitor mostly in autumn/winter, occasionally in spring.
Sand Martin ~ a common passage migrant and summer visitor with nesting colonies in the soft, sandy cliffs.
Sand Martins, Happisburgh ~ 04.08.2018
Sand Martins, Happisburgh ~ 14.06.2019
Swallow ~ a common passage migrant and summer visitor.
House Martin ~ a common passage migrant and summer visitor with a small number of breeding colonies most years.
House Martin, Witton ~ 02.06.2016
Red-rumped Swallow ~ a scarce passage migrant. One was seen on 11th November 1987.
Long-tailed Tit ~ a common resident and occasional passage migrant.
Willow Warbler ~ a fairly common passage migrant within the parish.
Willow Warbler, Happisburgh ~ 22.08.2016
Chiffchaff ~ a common passage migrant and probable breeder with a few birds occasionally overwintering. Chiffchaffs of the race 'abietinus', which breed from northern Scandinavia through European Russia, probably occur on passage. The eastern race 'tristis', commonly called Siberian Chiffchaff, is a rare vagrant.
Western Bonelli's Warbler ~ a very rare vagrant. One was found by Richard Moores in the hedge at the cricket field on 25th August 2013 representing the 12th county record. It was relocated during the evening at the west end of the churchyard where it frequented the Ash belt, mostly staying very high up and tricky to see.
Western Bonelli's Warbler, Happisburgh ~ 25.08.2013
Wood Warbler ~ a very scarce spring and autumn migrant.
Dusky Warbler ~ a rare autumn vagrant. One was trapped and ringed by the late Mary Unsworth at Cart Gap 3rd November 1982. Also recorded in the hedge behind St. Mary’s 7th - 11th November 1987.
Radde’s Warbler ~ a rare autumn vagrant. Singles have been seen in the old beach road hedge 12th October 1991, in hedges behind St. Mary’s House 26th September 2001 and in the churchyard mid afternoon 25th October 2013.
Pallas’s Warbler ~ a rare autumn vagrant. The late Mary Unsworth trapped and ringed single birds at Cart Gap in the late autumns of 1974, 1975, 1984 and 1985.
Yellow-browed Warbler, Happisburgh ~ 12-13.11.2011
Video-grab by Keith Bailey.
Greenish Warbler ~ a rare vagrant. Singles seen 2nd-3rd September 1995, 25th August 2007 and 22nd August 2011.
Sedge Warbler ~ a widespread UK breeder of marshes and reed-beds which occurs within the parish as a rather scarce passage migrant.
Juvenile Sedge Warbler, Happisburgh ~ 15.08.2017
Reed Warbler ~ recorded occasionally in Happisburgh, the comment under Sedge Warbler can also be applied to this species.
Juvenile Reed Warbler, Happisburgh ~ 10.08.2017
Marsh Warbler ~ a rare passage migrant, one stopped off in a rough hedgerow close to Beach Road 29th September- 6th October 2010.
Melodious Warbler ~ an extremely rare bird in the county, one was found in the belt of trees by the cricket pitch 8th November 2011 by Richard Moores and James Gilroy. It later moved into the garden of 'Thatchers' where it was added to the Norfolk list's of many county listers. It remained until 10th November.
Photo by Rob Martin (Punkbirder)
Icterine Warbler ~ a very scarce migrant, chiefly in autumn.
Grasshopper Warbler ~ a scarce passage migrant.
Blackcap ~ common on passage with a small number stopping to breed. Birds occasionally overwinter.
Blackcap, Happisburgh ~ 30.05.2016
Garden Warbler ~ an uncommon passage migrant, may have bred.
Barred Warbler ~ a scarce autumn migrant. A rather late individual was in the Coastwatch track Sallows with 4 Blackcaps on 30th October 2014.
Barred Warbler, Happisburgh ~ 15.09.2018
Lesser Whitethroat ~ a fairly common passage migrant and summer visitor.
Lesser Whitethroat, Happisburgh ~ 02.05.2016
Whitethroat ~ a common summer breeder and passage migrant.
Dartford Warbler ~ aside from a few resident birds at a couple of sites in the county, this remains a very scarce bird in Norfolk. Whilst trying to obtain views of an uncooperative (Reed) Bunting in sugar beet on 28th October 2012 a Dartford Warbler was flushed and seen several times in flight. On 19th April 2017 an occasionally singing male was a surprise find amongst lush Alexanders. It remained until at least 25th April. It or another was at the old Coastwatch from 20th -23rd October 2017.
Dartford Warbler, Happisburgh ~ 19-25.04.2017
Dartford Warbler, Happisburgh ~ 20.10.2017
Firecrest ~ a scarce but regular passage migrant.
Firecrest, Happisburgh ~ 30.09.2013
Goldcrest ~ probably a scarce breeder within the parish Goldcrests can be a very numerous autumn passage migrant given the right conditions with high double figure counts not unheard of.
Goldcrest, Happisburgh ~ 13.10.2014
Wren ~ a common resident.
Treecreeper ~ status unknown. May breed and probably occurs as a passage migrant and winter visitor.
Rose-coloured Starling ~ a rare visitor. An adult was present along Grubb Street, June 2001.
Starling ~ a common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.
Blackbird ~ a common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.
Fieldfare ~ a regular visitor in varying numbers from September to April with occasional records during May.
Fieldfare, Happisburgh ~ 26.10.2015
Song Thrush ~ a fairly common resident. Also occurs as a passage migrant and winter visitor.
Mistle Thrush ~ a rather uncommon visitor although occurs regularly throughout Norfolk.
Spotted Flycatcher ~ an increasingly scarce summer visitor and passage migrant.
Bluethroat ~ a rare passage visitor, formerly more regular. One was present in the corner of a clifftop sugar beet field 24th-25th October 2015.
Nightingale ~ a very scarce passage migrant. A male was singing from thorn scrub at the end of Rollesby Way on the morning of 11th April 2011.
Red-flanked Bluetail ~ an increasingly regular but rare passage migrant to the UK, chiefly in autumn. A first-winter was found by Jim Bradley at the end of the lane by the paddocks at Whimpwell Green during the afternoon of 13th October 2013. It remained to the following day and was enjoyed by many birders.
Red-flanked Bluetail, Happisburgh ~ 13.10.2013
Red-breasted Flycatcher ~ a scarce autumn vagrant. One or two were trapped and ringed by the late Mary Unsworth who visited Cart Gap each Spring and Autumn for many years in the 1970's, 1980's and early 1990's. An adult male was seen on 3rd October 2020.
Red-breasted Flycatcher, Happisburgh ~ 05.10.2016
Black Redstart ~ a regular passage migrant in small numbers. Occasional in winter.
Black Redstart, Happisburgh ~ 10.11.2011
Redstart ~ recorded most years,sometimes in spring but more regular on autumn passage.
Redstart, Happisburgh ~ 30.09.2011
Whinchat ~ an irregular passage migrant. A pair summered in the parish in 1990 (The Birds of Norfolk 1999). An exceptionally late bird was present on 8th December 2013.
Whinchat, Happisburgh ~ 18.09.2014
Wheatear ~ a common passage migrant, one of the first summer visitors to arrive. Has bred in the past.

Aberrant Wheatear, Happisburgh ~ 13.09.2014
Black-eared Wheatear ~ a female of the eastern race 'melanoleuca' was found at Doggett's Lane early morning on 28th May 2016 by James Gilroy. As such, it constitutes the first county record of this form. It frequented the sea wall and gardens but had disappeared before other would be observers arrived. A female had been present on the German island of Helgoland prior to the discovery of the Happisburgh bird and it is reasonably supposed that both records relate to the same bird. The following photos are some of those taken during this exciting encounter and have kindly been provided by James for inclusion here.
Black-eared Wheatear, Happisburgh ~ 28.05.2016 (© Dr. James Gilroy)
Dunnock ~ a common resident and passage migrant.
Yellow Wagtail ~ a passage migrant and irregular breeder on farmland. 50+ near the lighthouse mid-May 1992 included racial variants known as 'Grey-headed' (Scandinavia) and 'Blue-headed' Wagtail (Central Europe). In 2017, a 1st summer male 'Blue-headed' Wagtail paired and successfully bred with a female 'British' race Yellow Wagtail, raising young in a pea crop. They fledged hours before the crop was harvested. A stunning male apparent 'Black-headed' Wagtail was found on the horse paddocks along the old Coastwatch track mid afternoon on 12th May 2018. It happily fed for it's admirers until 7:20pm when it was chased off by a male 'British' Yellow Wagtail.
'British' Yellow Wagtail, Happisburgh ~ 07.05.2015
'British' Yellow Wagtail, Happisburgh ~ 26.05.2016
'Blue-headed' Yellow Wagtail, Happisburgh ~ 17.04.2017
'Black-headed' Yellow Wagtail, Happisburgh ~ 12.05.2018
Grey Wagtail ~ a regular flyover during periods of migration, occasionally stopping off to feed.
Grey Wagtail, Happisburgh ~ 12.10.2015
Pied Wagtail ~ a common resident, probably breeding, passage migrant and winter visitor. The nominate race 'alba' from mainland Europe, White Wagtail, occurs in small numbers chiefly on spring passage.
White Wagtail 'alba', Happisburgh ~ 27.03.2016
Pied Wagtail 'yarelli', Happisburgh ~ 17.01.2018
Richard’s Pipit ~ a rare autumn vagrant, has occurred in spring.
Richard's Pipit, Happisburgh ~ 19.11.2012
Blyth’s Pipit ~ a very rare vagrant. One in fields by the lighthouse 25th - 28th September 1999 was the 2nd record for Norfolk.
Meadow Pipit ~ a common resident and passage migrant.
Tree Pipit ~ an uncommon passage migrant.
Tree Pipit, Happisburgh ~ 26.05.2018
Olive-backed Pipit ~ a rare vagrant most regularly recorded in the northern isles of the UK. One was picked up on call before being seen to land on the roof of 'The Hill House' pub late in the afternoon of 22nd October 2012. It soon flew towards the school but was not seen subsequently. What was probably another, or perhaps a Tree Pipit, was heard to call twice as it overflew the cricket pavilion towards the village at 5:40pm on 25th October 2012.
Red-throated Pipit ~ a rare passage visitor. An unprecedented 3+ birds were present with 50+ Yellow Wagtails near the lighthouse 14th-18th May 1992. Singing was observed.
Water Pipit ~ a scarce passage and winter visitor to the county, more usually associating with freshwater or coastal marsh. Two were seen on the under-cliff at the end of Beach Road 31st October 2015 with presumably one of the same seen again 15th November.
Water Pipit, Happisburgh ~ 31.10.2015 (© Richard Moores)
Water Pipit, Happisburgh ~ 15.11.2015
Chaffinch ~ a common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.
Bullfinch ~ an uncommon resident, passage migrant within the parish.
Twite ~ a scarce winter visitor/passage migrant. A flock of up to 19 which fed along the cliff face just south of the village during December 2011 - January 2012 was exceptional. A colour-ringed bird seen during April 2015 had been marked at Machrihanish Bird Observatory on the west coast of Scotland and as such becomes the first recovery of an MBO marked Twite from Norfolk. Unfortunately, the code could not be discerned so exact details remain unknown.
Twite, Happisburgh ~ 14.12.2011
Linnet ~ a common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.
Common Redpoll ~ a scarce passage migrant.
Lesser Redpoll ~ an uncommon passage migrant.
Common Crossbill ~ a scarce passage migrant, chiefly from mid-summer onwards.
Goldfinch ~ a common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.
Goldfinches, Happisburgh ~ 17.11.2019
Serin ~ a rare visitor to the county. Single fly-overs were noted on 16th April 2013, 3rd May 2014 and 7th May 2015.
Siskin ~ a common passage migrant.
Corn Bunting ~ formerly a common breeder, now rather scarce.
Corn Bunting, Happisburgh ~ 16.06.2017
Yellowhammer ~ a fairly common resident and winter visitor.
Ortolan Bunting ~ a very rare spring and autumn vagrant.
Little Bunting ~ one was seen briefly at the clifftop end of the hedge along Beach Road on 6th October 2015.
Rustic Bunting ~ a female was briefly at the Coastwatch on 30th May 2014.
Reed Bunting ~ a winter visitor and passage migrant.
Reed Bunting, Happisburgh ~ 25.01.2016
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